Anti Illogic DESTROYED

TEA HAS DESTROYED YET ANOTHER VICTIM!!! The FB page Anti Illogic ( ) recently posted their official written refutation to TEA (The Elliott Argument). The following is my rebuttal to their pathetic attempt, and further proof and evidence that TEA cannot be defeated. His remarks will be in //BLUE// followed by my responses in BLACK. This is just getting too easy now!! -God Bless - //LETS TALK ABOUT THE WORST ARGUMENT AGAINST ATHEISM!// I think you mean the greatest undefeated apologetics argument of all time...But we will let the people decide that after I humiliate you by destroying your pathetic attempt at a refutation. //I understand that some people may disagree that atheism is a valid view or is even correct in several ways. However I highly doubt that you are going to claim that this argument is even an argument against atheism at all.// We shall see won't we ...