Righteous Indignation

God is a God of anger, justice, righteousness, and wrath. We are called to pattern our life after God and imitate him as our moral standard. What is righteous indignation: "A reactive emotion of anger toward evil, mistreatment, injustice and or malice... righteous anger is considered the only form of anger which is NOT sinful." We can know for sure that our anger is righteous when it is directed toward what angers God Himself. Righteous anger and indignation are justly expressed when we are confronted with sin. Good examples would be anger toward child abuse, pornography, racism, abortion, and the like . **Having righteous anger toward sin, evil, injustice, and mistreatment is a sign of having a heart like God. A sign that you are are living a righteous life. If anyone claims your righteous indignation is a deal breaker for them, what they are actually saying is that you being a Theistic Essentialist (and patterni...