Atheism is a Religion

Thank you for checking out this blog. Below you will find formal argumentation which proves once and for all, that Atheism, is in fact, it's own religion . We will be using all standard definitions, and many different resources as to be fair, while remaining as neutral as possible. God bless. The REAL definition of Atheism: Atheism: The view that GOD does not exist. Atheist: A person that holds to the view that GOD does not exist. A person who maintains that there is no God. To get into this further watch these videos!!! The FAULTY definition of Atheism that many atheists use: Atheism: The lack of belief in God. The denial or disbelief that any god exists. Atheist: A person who chooses to deny or disbelieve a god exists. (A person who freely chooses to BELIEVE that NO god exists.) DONT Allow atheists to lie and use the faulty defini...